Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"2012".....The Year of Productivity and Creativity.....

"2012" The Year of Productivity and Creativity and according to the Chinese it is the,
 "Year of the Dragon", meaning that we should have a "Magical" & "Lucky Year!!!

Today is the first day that I have finally blogged for this new year! I have been so busy organizing and really trying to make my beading business get on the right track! I have looked into many programs out there to help me do this like, Outright and Harvest, which have seem to be pretty good so far. 

I have also been trying to at least make one beaded piece a day along with working with some time consuming beading pieces that take a little longer. I currently have ten projects laying out on my beading table and as I finish one I go ahead and lay out another one to keep it consistent. This has been working out so far for me. I am also finally using beads and findings that I did not even remember that I had! I am determined to really use all of these beads and finding elements that I have stored for this past year and a half. They do no good hidden and stored away! I have a tendency to forget what I even have if I do not have it either close or in front of me. That is why this ten bead project layout works well for me for now.

I've been seeing that there are many beaders out there that are on this,"Productivity & Creativity", stream also! I am so excited in seeing all the wonderful pieces that are being made and shown on Facebook everyday from these wonderful beaders! I also love all these new tutorials that are being produced by these wonderful beaders too! They really give us the opportunity to enjoy making these pieces that they have done with so much passion and devotion.

I have acquired three of them so far this year! I started the year with purchasing these three tutorials from:

 * Mikki Ferrugiaro (Industrial Chic Bangle) Really clever piece!

 * Cynthia Newcomer Daniel (Best Friend Bracelet) Very Dazzling piece!

 * Joanne Browne (Beaded Embroidered Phone Cover) Enchanting piece!

I cannot wait to start working on them. I am slowly buying or ordering all the supplies I need for them!

The tutorial from Joanne Browne will be probably the first one I will make because I have been wanting to learn how to do, "Bead Embroidery", for awhile and this looks like a great starter project!!! I'm just waiting to receive my order for the backing that she recommended to me along with some other supplies.

I will be posting photos of these as soon as I am done and also write about my beading journey with each one of them!!!

I hope that all you beaders out there will have a,"Wonderful, Productive and Creative 2012 Year!!!"

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